Bloombex Options has entered the binary options market with a focus on increased security, special features to help traders, tools to promote profitability and the more general goal of providing an excellent trader experience. They offer excellent payout levels across multiple assets, and their platform is also available on mobile devices. Bloombex is one of the leading brokers and offers a very comprehensive service.
Platform Features
The Bloombex trading area defaults to two trading windows, and has a lot of information, including the current price of tickers. The actual trading window has clear fields for assets, trade types, expirations and a very bold display of potential payouts. All key information is central and easy to find The following types of options are available;
- Binary Options.
- Couples.
- One touch.
- 60 seconds
- Long-term .
- Stairs.
- FX / CFDs.
This is an excellent trading option, possibly the best on the market right now. It offers traders several different ways to trade on their views.
Trading options
Bloombex offers options on forex, commodities, stocks and indices. The list of currencies is excellent, while the list for other asset types focuses more on traded assets.
Bloombex usually offers a maximum return of 83% on options. This rate can vary depending on the asset and expiration time, but stands up very well, compared to competitors.
Other features
Bloombex offers several attractive features and benefits to its customers:
- Bloombex Follow – Get notified of popular and profitable trades on this website.
- Trading Options – Ladder, Rollover and Double Up features all provide additional ways to profit or automate trading.